If you are an adult with ACC or the parent
of a child who has Agenesis of the Corpus
Callosum or a corpus callosum disorder, being
involved in a support group can help put you
in touch with other people who can relate to
you and people who have a better understanding
of what it means to either have ACC or have
a child with ACC.
There are some very wonderful ACC support
groups out there.
Now there is a new support group for Agenesis
of the Corpus Callosum that has recently been
created by Lynnea, an adult who has ACC.
Lynnea is the founder of ACCA which stands for
The support group is set up as a message board
with sections for Parents of Kids with ACC and
Adults with ACC. You can click on the various
topics and read what others have to say then
post your own reply if you wish. You can also
start a new topic.
Go check out the new ACC support message board.
Hi Sandie, I got your email the other day on the mew ACC support message bord Lynnea created, I read through some of it but didnt get time to get involved think I will tonight, I want to start one on the parents of ACCers one